Take me back to Tennessee

Take me back to Tennessee. Ruby Falls museum

Yesterday was my first time ever going to Tennessee. My first stop was to Ruby Falls in Chattanooga. There is a lot of history behind this historic attraction in regards to how the cave and how the waterfall was found. The mountain was used back in war times for transporting goods on a train track that went through part of the mountain. Years later, an explorer who wanted to unseal part of the mountain where the train track area had been sealed. To make a short synopsis, the explorer discovered the particular cave area and stumbled upon an area, well actually he crawled upon this area in the mountain to which he found a waterfall during the search. Again this search consisted of a lot of dynamite in order to break up the the numerous millions of tons of rock and stone during the exploration.

After my tour from Ruby Falls, I drove to the Raccoon Mountain trail. The trails themselves were very long and not scenic except for the reservoir lake so I trekked only a couple miles here then took off to one of the longest pedestrian bridges in the world.

This bridge was called Walnut Street Bridge. The bridge is in downtown which goes over the Tennessee River and there are several museums right beside it making it convenient for tourists to see multiple attractions in the same area.

During my trip I felt at ease going from location to location and this was a worthwhile day trip.