Route to Parque Los Volcanes

View of Lake Coatepeque from Parque Los Volcanes

The day began with a text message from my travel brother Philly Dom letting me know he would be unable to go on a volcano tour today with me. I immediately got up and looked into the logistics to go to Parque Los Volcanes which is complied of 3 different volcanos being: Izaclo, Santa Ana, and Cerro Verde.

To get there I took a bus to Santa Ana, then a taxi from there to the park in which we took a wrong route to an area 15 minutes away from the park entrance, this difference cost me the last scheduled hike at 11am for Izalco after we arrived at 11:45am. The only option at this point was to take a tour area the park with a guide who would explain the area and other facts about the 3 volcanos. This did allow me to take a few nice pictures as I enjoyed a outside the crater view of the volcanos as well as Lake Coatepeque.

The trip back to San Salvador became adventurous as there are no taxis at this park and the next bus leaving that I could board was not coming until 4pm which I waited for. Once I made it back to Santa Ana, I could not find the bus to go back to San Salvador but luckily 2 locals (a lady and a man) helped me when I started asking about the bus to the capital. They literally took me on a bus to a bus stop across town to where the buses going San Salvador and other cities were located. This was a major relief as the time was past 6pm and it was pitch dark at this point. This hospitality shown by them explements what I have experienced my whole time by random locals here in El Salvador.