Return to Colombia

Return to Colombia. Valley view in Santa Marta, Colombia

Well I have arrived back in my return to Colombia for the 1st time in 4 years. After arriving at Cartagena’s airport I went to the bus terminal to head to Santa Marta which is one of Colombia’s oldest cities. The ride was a bit eventful as a couple of motorcycles bumped into our bus minutes apart and one motorcyclist may have suffered more than a fender bender as he was too close to my bus and got caught between it and the sidewalk. I am not sure what happened to him as my driver kept going like nothing ever happened. What made it even stranger was that my driver checked the side of the bus several kilometers later during a gas station break for my fellow riders and me.

Once making it to my hostel, I made my way towards the beach area where there are many retail and street vendors but not aggressive ones like in my past experiences in other countries. I walked around for a bit and do notice many kids randomly come up to people asking for money in exchange for candy.

Anyways I am here for a short stint and look to learn more about this city and possibly a trip to one of the surrounding towns.