Memorial Road Trip

Memorial road trip. Catty Shack Farm

Well it’s been several years since I last visited Florida so it was time for a Memorial road trip to Jacksonville. Main reasons being they had a tiger sanctuary (Catty Shack Ranch Wildlife Sanctuary), open trails in Timucuan Ecological and Historical Preserve, and of course Jacksonville Beach.

The drive I found to be a pleasant one including the Florida border check was extremely hasty since it mainly is for visitors from specific states with a high number of Covid-19 cases. I noticed this checkpoint was closed early evening during my return to Georgia which I found perplexing.

I enjoyed the trails I visited during my time as well as the beach which was unexpectantly lively but the highlight of my trip was the tiger sanctuary since I love both tigers and lions. The sanctuary’s animal keeper did several feedings to a lion which delighted me since it had made several roars moments before having its lunch. The sanctuary in total was very homely and consisted of several other animals outside of tigers they have adopted since most of these animals are being rehabbed due to mental or physical trauma as this is a non-profit volunteer led organization.