First Time in a Volcano to Party

First Time in a Volcano to Party. Me with people in mud volcano in Colombia

After my stay in Santa Marta was over, it was time to head to Cartagena. After the long trip into Cartagena, it was time for dinner and city exploring from a local from Showaround. She showed me the 3 main neighborhoods in the area that make up the tourist district plus we watched some live dance performances. Once this was complete I took advantage of a free beer promo at a nearby bar and took in a late dinner to end my 1st day in Cartagena.

The next day I had a couple bucket list items that could possibly be checked. The 1st was going inside of mud volcano, even though it does not shoot lava it still is a volcano. The warm mud was very relaxing and they had people at the site ready to massage you while in it. Afterwards you could walk down the lake to wash off by yourself or opt to tip one of the ladies to help you do it.

Once this tour was completed in the afternoon it was time to set my sights on the Party Bus for the night. The adventure started at 8pm. It included mixed drinks while we made several pickup stops before finally making a stop at a park across the street from the most famous castle in Cartagena, which is San Felipe’s Castle.

Our band from our party bus rushed to the park to start playing their instruments while we gathered a thick following surrounding them. This lasted for about an hour until we hopped back onto the bus to stop at a dance discotec which became hype when we stepped up in there all the way until closing time.