We the North

We The North. Statue at Place Vauquelin in Montreal.

Yesterday was my last full day in Montreal. I was able to enjoy a nice walking tour which started from their city hall area at Place Vauquelin.

The tour consisted of a summary of several notable buildings, the Montreal port, the Molson family, the Expos, and a brief tour to the Underground city of Montreal.

During the night, it was time to find a place to watch the Game 6 of the Toronto Raptors play the Golden State Warriors. Peel Street in downtown Montreal had an area enclosed as their version of the Toronto Raptors Jurassic Park which is where fans could gather and watch the game on the big screen together. I might add it did pour down rain right before and during the 1st quarter but fans maintained their fandom by staying outside to watch the game. When Toronto won the game for the NBA Championship, everyone sprinted toward the intersection of Peel Street and celebrated.

Well it was fun times during my brief time in Canada but I enjoyed it.