Chocolate Making

Chocolate Making

Today I rode to this small Indigenous town named Bribri which is no more than 10km from Puerto Viejo, Costa Rica. This was the start of the chocolate making tour. The tour consisted of the process from start to finish. The finish meaning I could enjoy pure hot chocolate since I assisted in several stages of the process.

While on tour in this native village I was able to learn more about other plants’ uses and even come in contact with posionous red frog. And “No” I did not attempt to handle it if you were wondering.

The conclusion of this tour came on a stop to a waterfall. Upon entering the waterfall area a couple ran to us and told us that moments earlier they had just been robbed by some muggers. After about 20mins, between them, my 2 tour guides, the police, and the waterfall owner everything was sorted and we went down to the waterfall to end my tour even though on a somber note.