Journey Back To Chiang Mai and Beyond

Journey Back To Chiang Mai and Beyond. Mural by the river in Chiang Mai.

After checking out of the guesthouse in Krabi Town this past Thursday, it was time to journey back to Chiang Mai and beyond. I had been here previously in March 2017, but wanted to end my time there since I wanted to visit the town of Pai while in Northern Thailand.

On the way to the airport, I thought I would just grab a tuk tuk and ride. Well long story short, I was re-directed by a tuk tuk driver to a motorbike one. He took my carry on luggage and somehow held it for a whole 20 minute ride as I rode on the back of the motorbike. By the time I got to the airport, you could say my sinuses were clear after such the ride.

For this part of the trip here in Chiang Mai, it is more about relaxing and working remotely for the company I work for. I went to Pai yesterday and the day tour was ok. Nothing to shout about, but Pai is a very small town in the mountains. Things are very much spread out. Pai is good for 2-3 nights if you were to stay there, but I believe you would get more out of doing an activity like caving or perhaps kayaking down the river versus a day trip to such a small place like Pai. I will say that just getting from Chiang Mai to Pai entails numerous winding roads up the mountain in order to get there and bus is your cheapest option if you plan to stay a night or so. Once there you can rent a motorbike to easily navigate this area.

Speaking of which, Vida Guesthouse, the guesthouse I am staying at allows me to pay for any tours I book and any drinks I take from their refrigerator on an “Honor System”. Basically they assign each person a folder. When you book a tour through the guesthouse or take a drink out of the refrigerator you just need to write it in the folder, and then at checkout you pay for what you booked/used. Weird that these people, specifically Irin and Sid, whom are the people who run the place allow you to do this. But this just goes to show how safe and friendly Thai people are. Yes!!!

A couple days from now my trip will wrap up and I will be back in Atlanta. I am glad I got a chance to come back to Chiang Mai to once more enjoy great food, culture, and super friendly locals such as Irin and Sid.