First Impressions of Phnom Penh

First Impressions of Phnom Penh. Sign of Chinese New Year.

My first impressions of Phnom Penh after arriving late on a Friday afternoon which was also Chinese New Year, I decided to take a stroll around the city. My first impression while on my tuk tuk ride from the airport was “Boy, there sure are a number of tuk tuks, motorbikes, and automobiles that learn to share the road in a type of unorganized harmony.”

I ventured out into the streets late that afternoon towards the riverside area trying to walk and dodge these vehicles I just mentioned. Reason being the sidewalks they have are occupied by street food vendors which some of which were selling creepy critters having a sign saying “$1 To Take Photo”, so I passed on the photo opp and did not want to spoil my appetite.

As I got closer to the monuments, I saw young men and kids playing soccer, “Well it was not an official soccer ball but a miniature size of it.” They used shoes to act as an imaginary goal post in short. There were people of all ages and class ranks having fun and carrying on.

My impressions so far are so good of this city and country aside from the annoying tuk tuk drivers constantly asking if I need a ride. I hope this keeps up through my time in Cambodia.