Where’s Your Travel Bucket List?

Many people ask if I have a set defined travel bucket list.

And my answer, “No.”

I have a list of places and things that I wish to visit and to do but not limited to only a set number.

Here’s a list of many places and things I still seek to do:
  • Visit Jerusalem (Holy Land)
  • Visit Petra, Jordan (Ancient City)
  • Got to go to Bali, Indonesia and see what all the hype is about.
  • Go to the Amazon Rain forest through either Peru, Ecuador, Colombia, or Brazil.
  • Angkor Wat Cambodia – I want to be a Tomb Raider like Laura Croft.
  • Go to the World Cup or Olympics. (Yea, this would be an event/travel destination, but World Cup 2018 in Russia maybe…)
  • Halong Bay, Vietnam
  • Explore an active volcano.
  • Go kite gliding
  • Go bungee jumping.


Feel free to let me know your bucket list.