Whale Watching in Buenaventura

Picture of my tour group in Buenaventura, Colombia.

Weeks ago I had planned a trip to go whale watching in Buenaventura, Colombia. Despite all of my journeys, I had never seen whales in the wild. I decided to book a trip through ToursbyDee mainly because of great referrals she had from other people.

I knew going into this trip that my tour guide Dee was very knowledgeable about the state of Choco and in particular Buenaventura since she grew up in this location. The tour began early in the morning with a tour group of about 12 of us. Upon arriving, we took a 40 minute boat ride into the Pacific Ocean where we saw a mom whale and her baby whale swimming. They both mostly seem undisturbed and allowed us to get great views and pictures of them.

After we completed viewing the whales which lasted for about an hour, we went to an island where we had lunch cooked by a local restaurant as we learned more about this area from ToursbyDee. The lunch consisted of coconut rice, plantains, and fried fish. We came to learn that this area is not promoted even though it is the most important port city in Colombia and has a number of pelicans that frequent the area. The people we met were very friendly and hard working.

At the end of the tour, after we finished lunch, we were led by a young boy to our driver. The driver would take us to a dock area where we witness many young men diving from the dock into the ocean. This seems to be a afternoon exercise as they were just having a bunch of fun like youngsters do. Once we were ready, we boarded our boat and were off on a more or less 1 hour boat ride back to the city of Buenaventura to depart back to Cali, Colombia.