Phuket The Island of The Land of Smiles

Patong Beach Phuket sign

I decided to make a quick run back to Thailand for my 4th time with this being Phuket the island of the land of smiles. This island is composed of several beach towns with Patong Beach being the most popular. Phuket is Thailand’s largest island and one of the top tourist destinations in Asia due to its beaches, activities, nightlife and diverse food choices.

My reason for coming here was to see if what I heard about it being a great family and digital nomad destination was true. The internet at my Airbnb was very good and there are many free wifi hotspots all over the island which made me feel very comfortable that I could upload pictures to Google Cloud instantaneously. This is very different in comparison to the Philippines where the free wifi hotspots require you to have a local Philippines phone number to use.

Everyday in Patong is a real entertainment show to see if you are on the main streets since you will see street food vendors, promoters of Muay Thai Boxing matches, bar promoters, pesky taxi drivers and many retailers selling custom-made suits. The food choices range from: Seafood, Indian, Vegetarian, American, and all the way to anything that crawls at certain establishments. My trip here was to more just relax and reflect on the present and future while taking in all of the visuals and sounds of Phuket.