The most touristy place in El Salvador

DJ on pebble stone beach in El Tunco, El Salvador

Another day, another travel adventure as I decided to go to the most touristy place in El Salvador. The start of the day began with fellow traveler, and YouTube travel blogger Philly Dom. He decided to show me how locals get around El Salvador so we took a local bus which cost $1.50 per person. The bus going was so packed that we had to stand for about 40 minutes on the way from San Salvador to El Tunco aka “Surf City”.

Upon arrival in El Tunco, we decided to walk out to the beach area which has black sand and many large pebble stones. Due to the high tides, this was not a day to sit out on the beach so we further explored the town which you can see here.

We spent a few hours in this beach town where we saw several surfers going to and from the beach as El Tunco host many international surfing competitions throughout the year. Once we finished exploring, we made a short walk to the bus pickup area to wait for the bus. And on the way back to San Salvador, we easily grabbed a seat on the ride back.