Top 10 Things I Have Learned From Traveling

1. You learn patience, whether it is waiting for your tour-guide to pick you up from your hotel which may come very 30-60mins late for various reasons to airport layovers that are 3 hours+.

2. Keep a roll of toilet paper in your backpack. Hey you never know when you just may need it.

3. You learn time management skills from setting your alarm to wake up for that 6am tour bus pick up to not partying all night so that you can get up early enough to not miss that tour of a lifetime.

4. Everyone is not going to say “excuse me” when at the airport baggage claim carousel to grab their luggage.

5. Learning not to overplan, it just is not fun to rush through things and be completely exhausted with that “job” like feeling. Enjoy the journey and your life.

6. Always carry chewing gum with you since you never know when and where you might meet a new friend and you always want to give a good first impression so you need your breath to be just peachy.

7. Buy clothes that can easily be mixed and matched. This is very helpful when traveling on airplanes in regards to their restricted baggage allowance as well has just learning to learn what you actually need in everyday life and not putting so much value in certain possessions.

8. Most people are not out to get over on you (well unless it comes to taxi drivers lol).

9. When it comes to paying for personal services cash still is king and the cheapest versus paying with a card.

10. It teaches you to get out of your comfort zone and to learn new things.