Sleeping Capsule Hotel

Sleeping Capsule Hotel. Capsule pod in Sunland Hotel.

This has always been a bucket list item for me to do is to fly into space especially during these times a virus pandemic. Well I will not quite be able to leave that way off the planet at this moment but a few days ago I did sleep in a sleeping capsule hotel at Sunland Hotel in Saigon, Vietnam.

This capsule pod hotel has both normal hotel rooms and they have hostel rooms with of course capsule pods “Star Wars Spaceship” looking type beds. The capsule pod comes with a monitor and along side 40 or so satellite channels (I rarely watch tv during my travels). You have the ability to change the brightness of the overhead, mirror, and reading lights. Other major features include: Mirror, plug outlet, USB port, 2 headphone jacks, and an Emergency SOS button.

Again this was a very unique experience for me and glad I had the chance to try it out since traveling is about making new experiences.